Beginnings And Endings

Visiting Serenity Gardens in Largo, Fla. where my father is buried, January 25th, 2014.
Visiting Serenity Gardens in Largo, Fla. where my father is buried, January 25th, 2014.

It’s an interesting time in my life right now where things are beginning to improve.

Back in December, I looked into getting various transcription jobs. I wound up getting one company that wanted to hire me but couldn’t employ me right away and a company that hired me right away that didn’t have any work.  So, I went back to writing books (with another book coming out Saturday) for a bit, and then Thursday, I got the good news.

The company that couldn’t employ me, Rev Transcriptions, did.  I started work for them that night.  The only problem is my transcription speed absolutely blows.  I listen to a few words, type them out, listen to some more, type them out, and so on.  Plus, I do not have the foot pedal yet, and doing transcribing without is like a doctor without a stethoscope.

Overall, I kept a good attitude about things, and I consider this “rough patch” I’m going through now as a “paying my dues” period. We all have to go through that, no matter where we work.

On Saturday morning, I was off to Largo with my mother to visit the grave of my father who passed away January 28, 1991. We had a discussion about what to do if either of us was ill to the point where either me or her were on life support.

I told her that if I was in a situation where I am on life support and my chances at recovery where next to nil, that I would want my life terminated. I don’t want to suffer like my dad did with his cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, and my grandparents each had Alzheimer’s.

I also want to be cremated when the time comes.

Have that talk with someone you love. It’s not like there’s a clock over your head and you get to know when your time is up. Have that talk before you can no longer have that talk.

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