Villainy Victorious

Photo by Sawyer Sutton on

We are now in unchartered waters in American history with the criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump.

When I heard about an hour ago (as I write this) that the jury had reached a verdict, I knew. The way the judge (Mercan) had acted as an extra prosecutor and gave the prosecution everything they wanted – this day was coming.

Lots of unanswered questions at this point. One thing I can see happening is a coup in the GOP (who might hate Trump worse than the Democrats do – at least they were up front about it) to prevent a “convicted felon” from being their nominee – giving the nomination to Nikki Haley, who finished second.

Sun Tzu is said to have been the first to say you should never correct an enemy when they’re making a mistake. If the GOP kicked Trump off the ballot, it would be a mistake. Then, you give Trump the chance to both major parties at the same time.

Bryan Ferry said in “Revolution” – never forget what they have done. I do not promote violence (although it’ll probably be seen in some form now) – but Joe Biden joins the list of world leaders who have led the effort to jail their political rivals.

The one thing this “lawfare” does is open the door to other former Presidents to be held accountable to the so-called law. Joe, Barry, Bill, Hillary – I doubt you will sleep well at night.

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