The Potentate Of Pro Presenter

I’m still learning how to do Pro Presenter for the church I go to in Umatilla, Florida. Next Sunday (6/30/2024) is my last scheduled round of training – then I run solo at some point after that.

A lot of churches use Pro Presenter and other programs like it for their services. I’ve read up on a chunk of YouTube videos on it and even downloaded it for my notebook PC. The only problem with that is that the church runs it on a Mac, and I’ve always been a PC.

The good part out of it is they also use OBS Studio, which I used when I did sports gaming streams during COVID and shortly thereafter. I may get the bug to do streams again, but probably not since 2025.

Pro Presenter also uses macros that will tell OBS what to do, which of the two cameras to use, and whether or not to use slides to project song lyrics and sermon notes.

I have a budding friendship with one of my trainers – a young woman of about 25, maybe younger. She’s a big fan of The Chosen, and we talk about it and other streams out there.

My friends who I live with invited her and her family to watch the show when it was streaming earlier this year in a movie theater in Leesburg. I’m hoping we get to do that again for the rest of the episodes.

I am looking forward to sharing my expertise with the church, wondering if this may lead to bigger things.

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