My Social Media Exit Strategy

I had mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was going through the possibility of leaving social media if current events go a certain way.

Here’s what I would do:

First, I would not leave Facebook, but I would post a message and a phone number for anyone to reach me.

Second, I would keep this blog and my two YouTube channels up, and post on those outlets for as long as possible. Life With Ella, for example, would continue on.

Third, I would close all other accounts.

A certain set of conditions would have to be met, which would be:

First, former President Trump is jailed or killed

Second, Trump loses the election under questionable circumstances as he did in 2020.

Or third, the declaration of martial law or some other catastrophic political event similar to the first two conditions, or I am questioned for my social media posts.

This is no joke to me. There are already widespread rumors in the media of the FBI going to homes and questioning social media posters. I don’t know how they can violate our First Amendment rights, or declare the Constitution null and void – it would be best not to be an attractive nuisance to them.