Figuring Out A Modern Day Riddle

I’m probably spending way too much time on Tik Tok as of late. I’ve noticed these strange videos of politicans, actors and actress, at whanot singing this strange song. Or put another way – their photo was altered so that it appeared they were singing this strange song.

So you don’t fall into the time trap I did, I thought I’d explain this a bit.

These videos use an iPhone app called Avatarish. I don’t know if you can get it on Android devices or not. You take a still photo, look for a song called Ma Ya Hi, and presto.

The song is from a Romanian boy band called O-Zone which was a hit in the first decade of the 21st century sometime around 2004 . The song is called “Dragosea Din Tei” with the clip coming 54 seconds into the video.

Apparently, this is something on Tik Tok to the Ice Bucket Challenge – except the video seems to have less of a useful purpose.