Frivolous Questions

Today, I thought I’d share some things that aren’t the most pertinent things on my mind, but come to mind every once in a while. Like:

  • Why do we call a cold a cold when the effects of getting one occur from your body temperature getting warmer?
  • In football, why is the scoring play called a safety called as such? It’s confusing. Why not call it a Deuce, a Reverse Touchdown, something like that.
  • Speaking of sports, why is it in tennis the first point in a game is 15, the second point is 30, but the third point is 40, and not 45?
  • If a news story is a couple of days old, is it still breaking news?
  • Why is it you can get AAA, AA, and A, C, and D batteries, but there isn’t a size “B” battery?
  • Why is it in heterosexual pornography, there are dozens of starlets, but very few male actors?
  • In that vein, why is it if man gives a woman oral sex, the common vernacular includes the word “eating” when you’re actually sucking, just like when a woman gives a man oral sex?
  • If a man has sex with a ten, wouldn’t that be the same as having sex with two fives?
  • Why is it the District of Columbia gets three electoral votes in the Presidential Elections, but doesn’t have a Congressman nor two Senators?
  • Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
  • If Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day, doesn’t that make Christmas technically New Year’s, since that’s technically the beginning of how most of record time?
  • Also, was there a year “0” or did we go from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D.?
  • How did we go from “being gay” meaning you were happy to meaning you’re homosexual?
  • If you get a call that says “Invalid Number” on the caller ID, doesn’t that defeat its own purpose?
  • Do they eat turkey in the nation of Turkey?
  • When will the state of Confusion be recognized as a US state? We all seem to go there on occasion.

That’s all I could think of for now, but I’ll give this a bit more thought…

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